In early 1980, the UN Security General flew to Iran to deal with a hostage situation, saying he was coming as a “mediator to work out a compromise”.
Alas, the word “mediator” was translated as meddler, while “compromise” was referred to as meaning the more negative form as in “our integrity was compromised”. Within an hour of the broadcast his car was being stoned by angry Iranians” (quoted from “Getting to Yes” by Fisher & Ury).
We deal every day with miscommunication and assumptions. At the very least, they mess with our work, our home life, and our relationships. At the worst, they incite wars.
I’ve taught seminars and written about the topic, and found that most people are ready for a refresher on communication skills.
We all get into our ruts, assuming people will understand us, especially if we’ve known them for a while, or work with them every day. It isn’t always the case. Here are a few tips to enhance the chances of being interpreted correctly in your verbal, written and non-verbal communications.
Before opening your mouth or writing a note, take into account these 6 factors and tailor your words accordingly:
Use techniques that enhance communication:
1) Tell a Story. People learn more easily and listen better if it’s related to reality. Use a true-life situation to get the message across. Remember Aesop’s Fables? Everyone understands the moral of the story.
2) Exude Confidence. Act like you know what you’re talking about. This includes good eye contact and appropriate non-verbal communication. The way you stand and where your arms are says a lot about how you feel.
3) Dress the Part. Look like you know what you’re talking about. People are much more casually dressed than they used to be, but the way you look helps determine how people react to you and how you feel about yourself.
4) Be Flexible. Identify the other person’s communication needs and adapt to them. If they don’t understand big words, don’t use them. If they need something written, write it down. You cannot use the same communication method with everyone. At work you may have to use several forms of communication to reach your audience. They may include a combination of:
A) Newsletters
B) Emails
C) Texts
D) Bulletin boards
F) Meetings
G) Social occasions
H) Casual conversations
I) Written warnings
Find your best mediums for the person, the situation and the message.
5) Listen Fully. Don’t respond until you’ve heard everything they need to say. When you argue, people put up defenses. When you talk too soon, you may not have completely heard the question. Practice silence and listening skills.
6) Ask Questions. Clarify the message. Don’t think you understand until you actually do. Don’t assume anything before making sure. When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and Me!
7) Avoid Anger. People hear only the emotion, and not what you’re trying to say. Children and employees will be intimidated by the anger and your message will be lost in the emotion. Take a moment to be clear about your point and don’t bring past grievances or anger into the current situation.
8) Make Everyone Win. Make bosses & subordinates look great and you will, too. Don’t miss an opportunity to compliment people and help them do their jobs better. Make it your goal each day to make someone feel good.
9) Offer Options. If a person can choose, they don’t lose their power, or as the Chinese say “save face”. When my toddler step son decided baths were not for him, we stopped asking him if he was ready for a bath and began saying, “It’s bath time now, do you want bubbles or no bubbles?” This made it clear what the goal was, while still giving him some power in the situation.
10) Be Certain. Know ahead of time what your goal is and go for it. Until you have completely identified what you’re going after, you can’t possibly get there.